Hacking Reddit Marketing

A successful Reddit post is a lot like a good joke. It's in context, doesn't feel forced, and everyone his happier for having heard it. Growth hackers need to understand their community well since they will turn on you the moment they feel like they are being...
KFC Dodges Major Social Media PR Bullet

KFC Dodges Major Social Media PR Bullet

Update: 6/24/2014 It appears that the story of little Victoria was a hoax perpetrated on KFC: http://gawker.com/little-girl-getting-kicked-out-of-kfc-was-reportedly-a-1595066434. While the investigation continues, that does not nullify the good work that KFC's social...

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Technical SEO For the Front End Developer

Technical SEO For the Front End Developer

Google has demanded more speed. Like Quintus Arrius ordering the crew to go from battle speed to ramming speed, Google wants us to deliver websites faster or else suffer their wrath. Unlike some SEO tactics like link building, technical SEO is fully within your...

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Embrace Brand Advocates the Monty Python Way

Embrace Brand Advocates the Monty Python Way

Social media has decentralized the control companies have over their brand. Embracing brand advocates in lieu of fighting them leverages your customer base to do a great deal of online marketing for you. While many industries have embraced this, think of Lays Do Us a...

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Maximize Mobile Conversions Using Responsive Web Design

Maximize Mobile Conversions Using Responsive Web Design

Mobile devices are long beyond the fad stage. They are rooted into the way millions of people interact with the Internet every day. There is a lot of data showing that mobile will eventually over take desktops. In no way am I suggesting that the desktop is dead. What...

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Facebook Marketing ROI in Decline

Facebook Marketing ROI in Decline

Facebook Marketing ROI is in decline. We marketers flocked to Facebook in a way that we would have never done to its predecessor MySpace due to its youthful demographics and ease of reaching that audience. This helped make Facebook the marquis social network for...

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Facebook Advertising Fraud Research

Facebook Advertising Fraud Research

Facebook advertising fraud is a concern for every online marketer. This is one of the worst kept secrets of the online ad world. It's not just Facebook. Google Adwords is rife with it as well. A few weeks ago Veritasium published an eye opening video exposing these...

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Content Marketing Overload: Break Through with Quality

Content Marketing Overload: Break Through with Quality

Content marketing overload is a real problem for all of us. There is just so much content posted every day that most of it will go unseen. It's like trying to get the attention of a bartender in a crowded club by trying to yell louder than everyone else. Sure it can...

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SEO and Social Media Starts with Content

SEO and Social Media Starts with Content

As an Internet marketer it is easy to get bogged down with tactics. Does this keyword get a decent amount of traffic? Is this copy tweetable? We all deal with these questions daily. These challenges get the most attention because they are immediate, easy to...

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Facebook Contest Pitfalls to Avoid

Facebook Contest Pitfalls to Avoid

Running a Facebook contest is a popular and effective method for generating new Likers. Many companies think that the more desirable the prize the more entries and thus Likers their contest will get. While that is a true statement, matching the prize to your audience...

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